Meeting – April 2017

April 12, 2017

The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:00 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Center in the Eileen Painter room.

GUESTS: Dave Atchley, Marc Miller, Dave Traxler, Janet Decker, Jim and Kathy Forrest, Luke and Leslie Kirby, Dave Laker, Dick Rice and Christine Walsh.

ROLL CALL: Present-Trustees Steve Messman, Steve Sappenfield, Pat Pioletti, Rachael Garrett and Paul Brady. Absent-Trustee John Mumma.

MINUTES: Trustee Paul Brady made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Messman, to approve the minutes of March 8, 2017. Voice vote, all “aye’s” motion carried unanimously.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee Patrick Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Sappenfield, to approve the payment of bills as presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

President Franks addressed the guests, asking if they had anything to discuss. Guests Laker, Forrest & Rice had nothing at this time. Luke Kirby presented the plans for the 10th Annual Run4Raley, indicating the route will be the same as last year. The 5K Run, Walk & Kids Fun Run will be Friday, August 4th at 7:00 p.m. with parking at the grain elevator grassy area east of the fire house. President Franks asked if they spoke with Tavern and Luke indicated they and Daly’s don’t have any issues with the event or blocking off part of Washington Street. The event also includes kids blow up slides and bounce house. The Kirby’s rent the portable toilets. Luke also inquired about Dave Traxler’s help again with set-up. The Board is fine with doing that again.

VILLAGE ENGINEER: Dave Atchley reported the drainage committee met and he is completing plans. He stated at the zoning meeting, he was directed to update the zoning map. That committee will be meeting every 2 weeks. They are working on subdivision code revisions and Dave A. said it was a very productive meeting. Trustee Pioletti stated some (ordinances) are straight forward and will come to the Board as they are completed. The lofty goal is to combine all ordinances so they are searchable for updates and problem areas.

President Franks commented that the drainage meeting was good. They discussed the retention pond and where to start first. Treasurer Schweighart attended that meeting and provided helpful information regarding balances and funds available for the project. The committee will meet again before bringing more information to the Board regarding the retention pond and beefing up tile.

Trustee Sappenfield inquired if the “little ditch” was always at the east end of the new subdivision. Dave A. indicated it was. Trustee Brady asked if marks on Jefferson Street were for a survey. They are not for a survey, merely markers from the recent Schumacher Shuffle race.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Marc Miller reminded the Board that the Appropriations Ordinance must be passed by the end of the first quarter, which would be July. The committee usually meets in May and presents information to the Board for review at the June meeting and then act on the Appropriations Ordinance in July.

Trustee Sappenfield commented that he and Janet Decker have been working on the handbook. Steve S. asked Marc if changes should be discussed in open or executive session. Mr. Miller said if just discussing policy, can be in open session; if specific compensation or performance discussed, it should be in executive session.

VILLAGE TREASURER: Treasurer was absent, but financial reports were provided, with no questions.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: Dave T. reported one (1) building permit. President Franks asked Dave T. to get aggressive with pot holes. He said he checked with Eric and mix is not ready yet. He has prepared a list of catch basin for D.J. Stewart and D.J. is able to jet culverts that are plugged. There are a few culverts that need to be straightened or cut off. A letter will be sent regarding having a multi-flow checked. The bathroom project at Hale Park is set to start.

OLD BUSINESS: Regarding building technology, Janet said internet connection has been running good for the past two months. Options for backups will be looked into. ESDA is in need of a computer. They have been relying on watching radar on their phones. President Franks will talk to Chris Luth regarding a computer and other ESDA issues.

NEW BUSINESS: The REFMC report was presented, with no questions for Janet. Trustee Sappenfield commented increase in wedding events. Janet added there have been fewer sports related rentals but have larger events rentals. One event coming up May 6th, promoted by Belynda Allen, will feature small area businesses. There are at least 18 different vendors signed up to participate.

Trustee Brady-Inquired about bush in alley, nothing done yet
Trustee Garrett-Nothing
Trustee Pioletti-Inquired about election results
Clerk Kirby-Nothing
Trustee Sappenfield-Apologized for coming to drainage meeting after dental procedure, as he was still under influence of pain killers. Steve S. reported that the Park Association had a lot of late registrations. A new batting cage (money from last year’s gun raffle) is to be constructed at Hazen Park April 13th. The Park Association needs a new tractor and has talked to HW for one at $2,300. They are also looking for a new window for the concession stand. The dugouts have new roofs, furnished by the same donor that remodeled the big ball diamond. Drainage at the big ball diamond may be done next year. President Franks suggested checking out the portable home plate that Paris has. Larry also said he and Trustee Mumma have some ideas regarding the drainage at the ball park and asked Steve S. to submit a financial report to the Village from the Park Association. President Franks also commented that the Village gave the Park Association $3,000.00 last year.
Trustee Messman-Nothing

President Franks-Announced the Streets, Alley’s and Sidewalks committee meeting to discuss 2017 oil & chip maintenance will be Thursday, April 20th at 6:00 p.m. The zoning meeting will be Wednesday, April 19th and he will check with Marc Miller to see if the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals can meet together. A letter to Valley View homeowner will be sent. Another letter will be sent to McKinley resident.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Steve Sappenfield. Voice vote, all “aye’s”. Meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.