March 14, 2018 – Meeting Minutes


Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Village of Philo, IL
March 14, 2018

• Call to Order
• Approval of February 14, 2018 Board Minutes
• Approval of Accounts Payable for specified time period

Guest(s): Tarah Block–re: New Business Downtown

Discussion with VILLAGE ENGINEER
• Draws/Pay Requests
• Detention Basin Drainage Project Update
• Roughton (101 N. Cleveland St.) Drainage Update
• Resolution exempting for Darrell & Regina Rice from subdivision regulations
• As Presented

Discussion with VILLAGE ATTORNEY
• As Presented

Discussion with DAVID TRAXLER
• Number of Building Permits Issued in February
• As Presented

• February 2018 Financial Report
• As Presented

Old Business
• Presentation and approval of Hugs and Bugs Lease Renewal
• Good Energy Electric Aggregation Program Update
• Village of Philo Handbook
• As Presented

New Business
• REFMC Reports
• Donation to St. Thomas for Schumacher Shuffle
• Purchase of Rolling Acres Property
• As Presented

Miscellaneous Discussion:

Motion to Adjourn