November 8, 2017
The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:00 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Center in the Eileen Painter room.
GUESTS: Dave Atchley, Marc Miller, Chris Payne, David Traxler, Janet Decker, Mrs. Brady, Dick Rice, Jim & Kathy Forrest, and Christine Walsh.
ROLL CALL: Present-Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Absent-Trustee Pioletti.
MINUTES: Trustee Rachael Garrett made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Sappenfield, to approve the minutes of October 11, 2017. Voice vote, all “aye’s” motion carried unanimously.
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee Steve Messman made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rachael Garrett to approve the payment of bills as presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.
VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Marc Miller presented the 2017-2018 Tax Levy Ordinance noting the tax cap is 2.1% over last year. Trustee John Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Sappenfield to pass Ordinance No. 2017-613, Tax Levy Ordinance for the Year 2017-2018, as presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.
VILLAGE ENGINEER: Dave Atchley presented a detailed report and the second pay request payable to Maulding Excavation, LLC, in the amount of $53,614.98. Trustee Steve Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Steve Messman, to approve payment as presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously. President Franks commented the work is going well, and that it will get water there quicker. Mr. Atchley commented he did take a look at Roughton drainage situation. He will provide estimates, but stated a rough estimate would be approximately $17,000.00, which would include about 340 feet of linear tile and have to cut road. Easements of involved property would be needed. There should be free flow with enough elevation as the intersection is higher than overflow of basin. President Franks asked for hard figures for the January meeting to possibly put out for bids and suggested touching base with landowners before Dave Atchley goes further. Dave A. commented about retention-may have weepers on North 4” toe ring and finger drains, but suggested a “wait & see” attitude.
VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: Dave Traxler reported one building permit. The concrete work is done at R. E. Franks Center and he was impressed with their work. The cost was a little more due to the concrete wall. The panels are in and done. President Franks said the painting looks good outside. When asked, Dave T. said the trucks are good, but noted the red truck didn’t pass the first truck test because of rust. He has all the part-time people lined up. Dave T. hasn’t heard about salt yet.
Drainage at the ball diamond was discussed. Trustee Mumma, D.J. Stewart and Dave Traxler met to review the previously drawn plan. The price will be about the same or maybe a little less if they eliminate boring and go up past the dugout. They mentioned a possible issue going between the light poles. The estimate was $10,125.00 but they feel it should be done now. They will need to haul off dirt, tile with sleeve and washed rock. The project will be time consuming. It was suggested to use the grader box to move diamond dry and keep to put back. Trustee John Mumma, made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Messman, to approve the project noting the Park Association has stated they will donate to the project. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.
VILLAGE TREASURER: Rod S. was not present, but the normal reports were furnished for the Board.
OLD BUSINESS: Regarding the Plan Commission, Chris Payne reported they are moving ahead and plan a long meeting in January. They have seven members and they are trying to complete a new template by April.
NEW BUSINESS: Janet presented the REFMC report, noting there are only three (3) days with no rentals and that volleyball will start the end of the month. The Fireman’s Field drainage was discussed and voted on under Village Maintenance above.
Trustee Brady-Left meeting early
Trustee Garrett-Nothing
Clerk Kirby-Nothing
Trustee Sappenfield-Nothing
Trustee Messman-Reported street light at corner of Eisenhower and Adams is out.
Trustee Mumma-Nothing
President Franks-Noted Dave Traxler has Ameren’s truck number and also reminded everyone that December meeting starts at 6:30 followed by the Village dinner.
MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee Sappenfield made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Garrett. Voice vote, all “aye’s”. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
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