Meeting – January 2017

January 11, 2017

The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:00 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Center in the
Eileen Painter room.

GUESTS: Dave Atchley, Marc Miller, Dave Traxler, Janet Decker, Rod Schweighart, Ted Rund, Julie Brady,
Jim and Kathy Forrest, Roger Meyer – Bern’s Clancy & Assoc. (Premier’s engineer), Dick Rice and
Christine Walsh.

ROLL CALL: Present-Trustees John Mumma, Steve Messman, Steve Sappenfield, Rachael Garrett and
Paul Brady. Absent- Pat Pioletti
President Franks informed the Board that he received news that our attorney, Paul Hendren passed
away. On behalf of the Village he offered condolences to Marc. LR added that his grandfather had hired
Paul during his time as Village President.

MINUTES: Trustee Rachael Garrett made a motion, seconded by Trustee Paul Brady, to approve the
minutes of December 14, 2016. Voice vote, all “aye’s” motion carried unanimously.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee Steve Messman made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve
Sappenfield, to approve the payment of bills as presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma,
Messman, Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

VILLAGE ENGINEER: There were no pay requests. Dave A. commented that it is time to close out 2016
MFT and he will talk to Judy about the information he needs.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Marc indicated the Travel Ordinance should be in place by March, which regulates
reimbursement for travel expenses (not for entertainment). In reviewing the proposed ordinance he
made comment of Page 4, Item 6, saying some communities chose to have board approval and some
don’t and this can be custom and is editable. Some state approval by President with a cap (or no cap)
and can designate how many times approval may be given. Trustee Steve Sappenfield made a motion,
seconded by Trustee Paul Brady, to approve the Travel Ordinance 2017-608, as presented with the
President to authorize the expense up to $500.00 and for two (2) times. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees
Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.
There was discussion and a public hearing about the Premier Cooperative First Addition to the Village of
Philo and consideration of the recommendation of the Philo Planning Commission, the Village Engineer,
members of the public and materials as presented. Chris Payne commented there is no action needed
by the Zoning Commission.
There was a motion by Trustee Mumma that the Philo Board of Trustees approve the Final Plat, Owner’s
Certificate, and all other materials submitted relating to the proposed Premier Cooperative First
Addition to the Village of Philo contingent upon securing appropriate signatures and on final documents
meeting with the approval of the Village Engineer and Village Attorney. The motion also contained
approval of the waiver of the preliminary plat requirements under 4.1.1A4, the showing of buildings,
utilities and drainage under 4.1.1.B.1, the requirement for a soil and water report under 4.3, relaxing of
the scale under 5.2.C allowing a scale of 1” per 120 feet on a half size subdivision plat measuring
Village of Philo January 11, 2017 Page 2
11” x 17”, 5.2F requiring the final plat to be drawn with ink on paper, 5.3F and allow use of ½” tubeco
monuments with aluminum cap at all exterior and interior corners, 5.3G relating to the listing of acreage
for each lot, 5.7, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1 and 12.1 relating to sidewalks and other matters, and 4.1D relating
to review fees.
There was a second by Trustee Messman. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman,
Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: Dave Traxler reported there were no building permits. Dave T. presented a
quote from Arrow Glass to replace the west doors at the REFMC. After review and discussion, Trustee
Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Brady, to approve the quote in the amount of $5,543.00.
Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed
President Franks wants Dave T. to be ready with salt. Dave T. said we have gone through 13 tons of salt
already and that the new truck is working out good.

VILLAGE TREASURER: Treasurer Schweighart was absent, but the reports were presented to the Board.
OLD BUSINESS: There was nothing new to report on the bathrooms at Hale Park. The Post Office door is
okay for the time being, but Dave T. said the cost to replace would be around $1,600.00.

NEW BUSINESS: The REFMC report was reviewed. Janet commented the bleachers had pinched off the
alarm wire. Trustee Mumma suggested using a product that looks like a drainage pipe with a slit in it to
protect them. He said Mike McHenry should know what he’s talking about and be able to do the work.
The Franks center is also having WIFI issues. It was suggested Comcast set up a static IP address.
President Franks also asked Trustee Sappenfield to help Janet resolve issue.

Trustee Brady-Nothing
Trustee Garrett-Nothing
Clerk Kirby-Commented that the Certification of Ballots was filed.
Trustee Sappenfield-Nothing
Trustee Messman-Nothing
Trustee Mumma-Asked attorney about right of way in alleys being obstructed. Dave A. said recorded
right of way is 12 feet up to 16 feet. Specifics on particular alley will be determined before a bush is
President Franks-Requested rock on Harrison & Jackson Street. After property from elevator is obtained
he wants to schedule a meeting to discuss drainage and finances.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee Mumma made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Garrett.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.